Dartmoor Wild Camping Campaign Posters

The Dartmoor Wild Camping Action Group is pleased to announce new posters and postcards to help raise the profile of the High Court Appeal fund as well as raising the related issues.

The posters are A4 in size and can be downloaded in PDF format. Please feel free to download and print to place in your car, house window or workplace. It would greatly help us to maintain the fundraising momentum and keep the issue in people’s minds.

If you have a customer facing business on or near Dartmoor and would like to place a poster and some postcards in there, please contact us (see below) and we can arrange getting them to you!

PDF Poster: Wild Camping on Dartmoor is under threat

Poster: Wildcamping on Dartmoor is under threat
Wild camping on Dartmoor is under threat

The postcard is A6 in size. The QR code links to the Dartmoor Preservation Association crowdfunding page to help finance the High Court Appeal. Please help distribute these posters and post cards.

Postcard: #SaveDartmoor - Wildcamping on Dartmoor is Under Threat
Postcard: #SaveDartmoor – Wild camping on Dartmoor is Under Threat

The postcard in closer detail.

Postcard: #SaveDartmoor with QR code linking to the High Court Appeal
Postcard: #SaveDartmoor with QR code linking to the High Court Appeal
Postcard (flipside): Wildcamping on Dartmoor is Under Threat
Postcard (flipside): Wild camping on Dartmoor is Under Threat

We would like to thank Moor Fitness and Nutrition who donated the initial funds to get these printed.

Crowd Funder Link

Please donate to the crowd funding appeal setup by the Dartmoor Preservation Association. At the time of writing (13/03/2023) the appeal has already passed £37,000 which is tremendous in just a few weeks. However, there is still a long way to go to get to the target of £200,000.

Save Dartmoor Backpack Camping – Appeal Fundraiser (Official)

Contact Dartmoor Wild Camping Action Group

Facebook Discussion group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dartmoorwildcampingactiongroup

Facebook Campaign Information Page: https://www.facebook.com/DartmoorWildCampingActionGroup

Email: info@dwcag.co.uk